How To Connect Blu-Ray Player To Home Theater System (7 Options)

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Adding a Blu-ray player to your home theater system is a very great idea.

Because it is one of the best options to enjoy HD-quality of video and audio.

When movies are released for DVD audiences. The producers focus on the Blu-ray quality most of the time.  Because this is the finest option to enjoy movies to the fullest.

But after getting a new Blu-ray player the first task will be how to connect it to the home theater.

We have a short and sweet step-by-step connection method for you here and much more detail in the upcoming sections of this article.

First, For Both Video & Audio Output:

1. How To Connect Blu-ray Player To Home Theater System

How To Connect Blu Ray Player To Home Theater System
  1. Plugin the HDMI cable to the output port of the Blu-ray player 
  2. Now plug in the other side of the same HDMI cable to the input of the home theater receiver
  3. Make sure all other cables are connected well. Cables like power cables and speaker wires and display wires to the receiver.
  4. Your Blu-ray player is successfully connected and should work properly
  5. HDMI is a great option for both HD video and audio signals transmitted from the player to the home theater system
  6. Enjoy the high-definition experience

I will recommend this 8K/4K High bandwidth HDMI cable on Amazon for this connectivity.

This one method is recommended to get the best quality of sound for all your speakers and surround sound. Because now the receiver will have to process the audio in the amp and transfer it to the speakers and the HD video to the TV. 

AV receivers can be called great audio and video management tool.

Know how to connect a Disht TV theater system. Read my this guide.

2. Connect The Blu-ray Player Directly To The TV by HDMI

How to Connect The Blu-ray Player Directly To The TV by HDMI

This one is a very simple and straightforward method to connect but not recommended

  1. Connect the HDMI cable to the output of the Blu-ray player
  2. Connect the same cable to the input of the TV
  3. Assuming that power cables are connected properly.
  4. Grab the popcorn and enjoy the show.

In this process, the TV will have to take care of the audio output process too. Nowadays, TVs are not capable of processing audio very well. That’s why they need soundbars or AV receivers and speakers to support it. 

This is why connecting the Blu-ray player directly to the TV is not recommended.

Know from my this guide, how to connect LG TV to Home Theater. I have discussed three options for the connection.

3. Connect Blu-ray Player With Ethernet Port To The Theater System

  1. Connect the Blu-ray player to the home internet router
  2. Plugin the internet cable to the Blu-ray player Ethernet port 
  3. Now connect the HDMI cable to the output port of the Blu-ray player.
  4. Connect the other end of the cable to the input port of the av receiver.
  5. When the power cable is connected correctly.
  6. Now you will be able to stream media sources directly from the internet to your home theater system. 

Many new high-end Blu-ray players provide this type of connection. It is a very convenient and fun way to stream media from the internet. 

Second, For Only Video Output:

4. Connect the Component Video Connection Of The Blu-Ray Player To The Theater

How To Connect Component Video Connection Of The Blu-ray Player
  1. These are 3 RCA cable ports at the back of the Blu-ray player.
  2. Connect each color of the RCA cable to its respective color-coded RCA output port of the Blu-ray player.
  3. Now connect the other end of each RCA cable to its respective input ports of the AV receiver.
  4. You can directly connect these Blu-ray RCA ports to the TV itself too.
  5. This type of connection can transmit video only.

I will recommend these high-quality RCA cables on Amazon for this connectivity.

These types of connections are not recommended because they do not deliver high-quality video like that of HDMI.

Avoid this connection altogether if your Blu-ray player is manufactured after 2011.

Know how to connect RCA theater system to TV for both audio and video from my this guide.

Third, For Only Audio Output:

5. Connect Blu-ray Player With Coaxial Output For 5.1 Surround Sound To The Theater

How To Connect Blu-ray Player With Coaxial and digital Output For 5.1 Surround Sound
  1. Hunt for the coaxial output port of the Blu-ray player.
  2. Get a nice coaxial cable. Make sure the cable is not damaged or very old.
  3. Plugin the coaxial cable into the output of the Blu-ray player.
  4. Plug the other end of the cable into the coaxial input port of the receiver.
  5. This will output the entire surround sound system audio only in a single wire.

You will have to do another connection of the component video out, for the video output. Follow the above component video guide for this.

This type of connection can deliver audio of only standard Dolby. This connection cannot give you the impressive quality of audio that HDMI does. You cannot get Dolby Atmos or Dolby true HD with this type of connection. 

6. Connect Blu-ray Player With Optical Output For 5.1 Surround Sound To The Theater

How To Connect Blu-ray Player With Optical Output For 5.1 Surround Sound
  1. Connect the optical cable to the output optical port of the Blu-ray player.
  2. Connect another end of the cable to the input optical port of the receiver. If you don’t have a receiver then you can connect it to the optical port of the TV too.
  3. This will transmit only the audio of the surround sound system.

This will again not give you Dolby Atmos or Dolby true HD audio quality like HDMI.

I will recommend this Gold Plated optical cable on Amazon for this connectivity.

Know more how to connect Sony theater systems and Panasonic theater systems to TV from my these guides.

7. Connect Blu-ray Player With Analog 5.1 Or 7.1 Outputs To The Theater

  1. These are RCA output ports on the Blu-ray player with the name stereo audio/ 5.1 CH/ 7.1 CH
  2. You will need at least 6 to 8 cables for this task to complete
  3. Plugin the RCA cables into these output ports of the Blu-ray player.
  4. Plugin the other end of each cable with the corresponding input ports of the AV receiver. 
  5. Assuming that the power connection is done right for the receiver and player.
  6. The connection for the 5.1 and 7.1 surround systems is completed here.

This type of connection can output top-quality Dolby Atmos and Dolby True HD audio.

If your Player and AV receiver support this type of connection then you must consider it for the best audio quality.

This connection audio can be better even than the HDMI connection.

The downside of this connection is that it provides limited base management. Also, you will need 6 to 8 wires for this connection. For this amount of wires, you will require wire management, or otherwise, it can quickly turn into a mess.


How do I connect my Blu-ray player to my HDMI receiver?

The video and audio signals both can be transmitted from the Blu-ray player to the receiver via a single HDMI cable.

  • Connect the HDMI cable to the output HDMI port of the player
  • Connect that cable to the input of the AV receiver

How do I connect my 5.1 home theater system to my DVD player?

  1. You can use the component audio connection, single coaxial cable, optical cable, or HDMI cable.
  2. The second best connection is optical
  3. Connect the optical cable to the output optical port of the player
  4. Connect another end of the cable to the input optical port of the home theater system receiver
  5. This will only transmit 5.1 audio but will not give you Dolby Atmos HD
  6. To get HD audio and Video then use HDMI
  7. HDMI is the best option. It must be your first and last option.

Can I use a Blu-ray player as a receiver?

Yes, you can use the Blu-ray as a receiver because most of them consist of 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound capabilities.

But the downside to it is that they are not as dynamic as professional AV receivers. You will need a receiver for better audio and bass management.

Maybe in the future manufacturers invent a Blu-ray player that can match the quality of the receiver but for now, stick to the AV receiver only.

How do I connect my Blu-ray player to speakers?

  1. You can connect it through a component audio RCAs cables connection.
  2. But for a more dynamic and robust experience, you should use a Multichannel analog connection.
  3. You can follow the guide in the above parts of this article for both of the connection processes.

Why won't my Blu-ray player play sound?

  1. Make sure you have connected the TV to the proper HDMI port
  2. Make use of the receiver as a bridge for audio to the speakers.
  3. If you are using a DVI connector then replace it with HDMI or consider connecting the audio through RCAs cables because DVI can only transmit video.
  4. Replace the HDMI cable if it is damaged.
  5. Connect the player to another TV or receiver and see if the error is still there.
  6. Update the firmware of your device to the latest
  7. If you are using the MPEG2 program then restart the player. It solves this problem usually.

Helpful Resources For The FAQs To Read More

  1. Know more from TomsGuide forum about how to connect old suuround sound to new DVD. (Resource for the second answer)
  2. Know how to use the same set of speakers for both the DVD and Blu-Ray players. Learn it from Samsung Blog. (Resource for the fourth answer)
  3. Know more troubleshooting technics from LG Blog. (Resource for the fifth answer)
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Ayaan Khan
Ayaan Khan

I'm Ayaan khan, a freelancer and a Computer Science degree holder from P.E.S. College. After my degree, I started an internship with my father in his home theater showroom. After working for a month I realized that this is the best job in the world for me and it could be turned into a passion. Fast forward to when my internship ended, I joined my father as a full-time home theater equipment tester. I test new equipment and approve it before it can be installed in the customer's house. I love to test equipment and sometimes love to install it by myself in the customer's theater room. I have the right experience and knowledge to learn from my articles. In my Free time I write & answer questions here on AVSFORUM. Every Article on Homelytainment is curated according to Homelytainment's Editorial Policy and Sponsorship Policy. If you have any questions for me. Reach out to my email (Support(AT)

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