How To Make Ceiling Speakers Sound Better? (9 Steps To Wow)

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After Dolby Atmos’ success, many home theater owners started looking for ceiling speakers. They are now popular in our circle too after they were in restaurants and hotels. But how do make ceiling speakers sound better?

At A Glance: I recommend a two-step approach to Instantly uplift the sound quality of the ceiling speaker. First, point its tweeter at you, and next create a vacuum behind it. To create a vacuum, you must build a back box for it.

Keep reading as I will be revealing many more steps for you to bring it to perfection. You will have the best sounding ceiling speakers in your home. Follow this article and see the magic happen.

How To Get The Best Sound Out Of Ceiling Speakers?

I have proven 9 tips for you to boost the quality of the ceiling speakers. After I applied these tips now my wife stopped reminding me of spending money on my hobby.

Look into Your Installing Approach

Closely follow the installation tips provided by the brand itself. Every brand has its style of telling you how to install them. You should not follow one approach for all the speakers.

Follow the cutout templates and leave a brand-recommended space between the studs in the drywall.

Look For The Mounting Depth From The Surface

This will tell you about the depth that the speaker will go beyond the ceiling for the perfect mounting installation.

I recommend a 100-140 mm mounting depth speaker for the home theater. At this depth, we can easily apply all the optimization tips.

The 100 mm will be the best, but if you find it hard to get a speaker with this depth then pick any between 100-140 mm.

Connect It To A Suitable Power Amplifier

The amplifier is needed for every type of speaker. It will be a repeated tip to connect it to the amp. But I mentioned it here because I want to point out its importance to you.

Many ceiling speakers come with an internal amplifier. Those will be the best because the manufacturer knows which type of amp they should equip it with.

Know from my this article, how to match the amp to speakers. You will be saved from making errors.

Pick The Right Cable

Many experts will give a lot of weight to this tip, but I recommend going with a market-standard wire. That is 16 gauge. But here it comes with a catch.

If you require a wire longer than 36 meters then you should go with 14 gauge, but if you need shorter than 36 meters then go with 16 gauge. 

This will make sure that no data is lost during the transmission.

Equipped It With A Back Box

The vacuum behind the speaker is very important. No matter which QTS-graded speaker you have for the ceiling channels. You must build a back box for it.

The backbox creates a vacuum that orchestrates the movement of the coil. The coil will not go deeper than the needed depth and will not move out more than what is needed. 

By controlling its movement, this vacuum will orchestrate a fuller and more accurate sound and bass. Here is a speaker enclosure On Amazon that will stop the sound from leaking upstairs and will also improve the sound quality.

Point The Tweeter At You

To feel the characters on the screen are actually talking to you. You must point the tweeter of the ceiling speaker at you or your seating position.

This will help the Dolby Atmos to hit the coordinates of the sound properly. There will be no mismatch between the decoded sound in the movie and the output sound.

Along with this, know how to optimize the sound of the home theater in simple 5 steps.

Keep A Right Space Between Two Ceiling Speakers

The space between each set of ceiling speakers is very critical. It can make or break the sound experience. But how far apart should in-ceiling speakers be?

To stabilize the channel separation flow in check you must keep them 2-4 meters. Don’t go beyond the 5-meter mark. Beyond the 5 meters, the speakers will sound so desynchronized. At the same time, don’t keep the space smaller than 2 meters.

Know more angles and spacing measures for all of the speakers in the home theater from my this article. You will have the best angles and spacing among the speakers.

BONUS Tips For Music Lovers: 

Properly Position The Pair Of The Stereo Speakers

If you want to install speakers in the other parts of the house for second-zone music, then install the stereo-paired speakers in one room and don’t install them in different rooms. Mean one speaker in one room and the other speaker in the other room. These speakers have two channels, and they are meant to be installed in one room to match their flow with each other.

Pick Right Wire For A Single Stereo Speaker

These single speakers have two channels built-in one speaker. But these types of speakers need a full-core wire instead of a 2-core speaker wire. These full-core wires will transmit all the channels to this speaker.

Did you get something out of this ceiling speaker guide? Hold On We Have Something Exciting To Share.

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Do ceiling speakers make noise upstairs?

They make noise, but you should soundproof them to stop the leaking of sound. You can make a DIY soundproof back box for it, or you can order one.

These boxes will contain the sound within the premises and will also keep the sound quality in check.

How to increase the bass on ceiling speakers?

Apart from being soundproof, the backbox also makes the bass fuller and more accurate. 

As I told you before, the backbox will keep the coil movement in check, and it will perfect the bass. The bass will be accurate and fuller.

Do I need a subwoofer with my ceiling speakers?

You require a subwoofer with these speakers if you really want those lower-end frequencies to be served with justice.

These lower-end frequencies can’t be played well by these speakers, that’s why you require a dedicated subwoofer. You can increase the ability of the existing speakers by connecting them to a DSP. The DSP will enhance its bass, but it will squeeze more than what the speakers are built for. This will shorten the lifespan of the speakers and the sound will be inferior to the subwoofer sound.

Can you put a subwoofer in the ceiling?

You can do anything in the world. This is not the question, the question is whether it is right or wrong. You can jump off the Burj Khalifa, but the question is whether it is safe or not.

The problem with the subwoofer is that there is no right absolute position in the home theater. You need to play with the angles and position of the subwoofer until you get the best bass in your room. 

That’s why you should not install the sub in the ceiling because if you remove it afterward then it will be extra work to feel that empty hole.

Helpful Resources For The FAQs To Read More

  1. This was my opinion, read more from Boomspeaker Blog. (Resource for the third answer)
  2. However, the Audioholics Blog is telling you how to install it in the ceiling. (Resource for the fourth answer)

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Ayaan Khan
Ayaan Khan

I'm Ayaan khan, a freelancer and a Computer Science degree holder from P.E.S. College. After my degree, I started an internship with my father in his home theater showroom. After working for a month I realized that this is the best job in the world for me and it could be turned into a passion. Fast forward to when my internship ended, I joined my father as a full-time home theater equipment tester. I test new equipment and approve it before it can be installed in the customer's house. I love to test equipment and sometimes love to install it by myself in the customer's theater room. I have the right experience and knowledge to learn from my articles. Every Article on Homelytainment is curated according to Homelytainment's Editorial Policy and Sponsorship Policy.

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