How To Make Speakers Warmer? (With or Without Budget)

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The warmth of the sound is very important if you watch movies, TV shows, songs, and series. Because the dialogues in these contents need to feel real. All along with voices, the bass needs to be accompanied by a warmness that will contribute to a completely realistic touch of these contents.

At A Glance: To make the speakers warmer, you need to boost the mid-frequencies. For that, you need to overlap the sound dispersion flow of the existing speakers and bring them a little closer so their sound dispersion overlaps. This will boost the mid-frequencies and will warm the sound.

Keep reading because I have three ways for you to make the sound warmer. One method is free and can be applied to your existing system, and two will cost you money. 

But first, let’s discuss the warmth of sound briefly. So we know what we are aiming for.

What is the warmth of sound?

The warmth of the sound is in the middle of the frequencies. Here, most of the human voices and a small chunk of bass are laying.

There are three parts of the sound frequencies that we hear most in regular life. The parts are low, mid, and high.

The bass and voices are here in this part. The voices need to feel real and should have clarity, and the bass needs to be fuller.

The voices are the backbone of any content since the 1930s and the bass contributes to the realistic touch of the movies and music.

When the actor is being punched or broken glass is hitting the ground. You need to feel it in real-time. This is where the bass comes into play.

This is why home theater enthusiasts want more warmth in the sound. Because it makes the dialogues clear and easy to understand. You don’t need to high the volume to understand the dialogues easily.

Also, it makes the movies and other content feel realistic. I have installed the 3D projector in my theater room just to feel the realism of the movies but if it is not accompanied by realistic audio then it is good for nothing.

We all need both audio and video realism. That’s why the warmth of the sound is this much important.

Read the following methods to instantly make your speaker warmer.

Utilize the sound dispersion of the existing system (FREE method)

sound dispersion of two speakers overlaping

The sound disperses around the room in a horizontal circle shape. This sound comes out of the speaker in all directions in this manner.

Our mission is to boost the mid-range of the frequencies. For that, we need to bring two front speakers a little closer, so their sound dispersion overlaps or meets before their sound hits you.

In this way, you will get a boosted mid-frequency, and you will feel the sound warmer than before.

But due to bringing them closer, their tweeters will also come closer and the tweeter shoots high frequencies. Will these boost high frequencies not contribute to high pitch sounds? Well, keep reading to know more.

To know more about sound dispersion, read my guide. Can bookshelf speakers be used for surround sound? Here I talked about how to utilize the bookshelf speaker’s sound dispersion for the center channel.

Tweak the tweeter of the speakers 

As we have talked about sound dispersion before. Now that you have brought the speakers closer. 

Now angle the speakers a little out, so the tweeters are a little away from you. In this way, you will get normal high frequencies and boosted mid-frequencies.

The dispersion of sound spreads further as it travels. In this way, they will overlap a little late but if they overlap before you then it is great.

This is the positioning method that will make your existing speaker warmer. You don’t need to pay money for it. 

To know more about the tweeter positioning. Read my this guide. How high should each speaker be in the surround sound? I have talked about each speaker’s tweeter height in this guide.

However, if you want a little more warmth in the sound, then apply the following methods.

Go for 3-way speakers (Cost you money)

Buy 3-way speakers and ditch the 2-way speakers for good. The 3-way speaker has a special driver for the mid-frequencies. They sound warmer than the 2-way speakers because they have stronger mid-frequencies.

They have a woofer, a mid-driver, and a tweeter. This means they have two drivers whose frequencies hit your ears at the same time to give you a warmer sound.

Their frequencies don’t overlap because the dispersion doesn’t work that way. The sound disperses from left to right horizontally. They will travel parallel to each other but will hit your eardrums at the same time. 

This will make the mid-frequencies stronger, and you will feel the warmth of the sound.

But if you still think that you are missing the warmth of the sound, so go for the last step.

To know more about the 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way speakers. Read my this guide. 2-way Vs 3-way Vs 4-way speaker. Which is better for home theater? You will know many more new things in this guide.

Go for The Tower Speakers Setup (Cost You money)

If you want the highest possible warmth in the speakers’ world, then go for that type of tower speaker that has multiple mid-drivers.

These tower speakers have two, three, or more mid-drivers that throw mid-frequency together at you at once.

These three mid drivers’ dispersion however doesn’t overlap but come at you at the same time. This contributes to stronger mid-frequencies. This will warm the sound in a way that can’t be possible from a traditional 2-way or 3-way speaker.

This is the limit of the warmth that you can get. If you still want warmth, then drink a hot coffee and sit close to your partner or craft a new speaker for yourself. Here one will cost you little money and the other one is free.

Did you get something out of this speakers’ guide? Hold On We Have Something Exciting To Share.

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How do I burn in new speakers?

Just play a variable frequency sound overnight and sleep. When you wake up in the morning, they will be burned in.

From variable frequencies, I mean that you don’t play a sound that has only high frequencies playing and don’t touch other frequencies.

Playing variable frequency sound is not necessary, but it will help you a lot to burn the speakers well. The speakers will flex their muscles in all frequency ranges.

What frequency is warmth?

I consider the 80-255 Hz range of the frequencies to be warm. In this range lies most of the human voices and little frequencies crossover of the subwoofer.

This frequency range brings warmth to the sound. If you want a warm sound in your theater room, then pick a speaker that is good in this frequency range.

How to reduce tweeter brightness?

To reduce the brightness, point just the center speaker tweeter at your ear and angle all other speakers tweeters a little away from you. In this way, you will reduce the total brightness of your surround sound.

This is a small hack that works well for surround sound. You will have a better experience of the surround sound after this.

Helpful Resources For The FAQs To Read More

This was my method. To know more about it read this Cambridge Audio Blog. (Resource for the first answer)

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Ayaan Khan
Ayaan Khan

I'm Ayaan khan, a freelancer and a Computer Science degree holder from P.E.S. College. After my degree, I started an internship with my father in his home theater showroom. After working for a month I realized that this is the best job in the world for me and it could be turned into a passion. Fast forward to when my internship ended, I joined my father as a full-time home theater equipment tester. I test new equipment and approve it before it can be installed in the customer's house. I love to test equipment and sometimes love to install it by myself in the customer's theater room. I have the right experience and knowledge to learn from my articles. Every Article on Homelytainment is curated according to Homelytainment's Editorial Policy and Sponsorship Policy.

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