Play Music From Phone To Home Theater (3 Connection Types)

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Playing your favorite music from your phone in the home theater is not a hard thing to do especially with modern-age AV Receivers. The receiver’s game is changing day by day and it makes connectivity and many more things easier. So, how to play music from your phone to your home theater?

At A Glance: You can play your favorite music from your phone to the home theater by connecting the phone to the AV receiver with wireless connectivity or a wired one and changing the input option to that type of connectivity on your AV receiver.

Keep reading as I will be discussing three options for this connectivity. Also, I will provide step-by-step instructions for the connectivity along with ratings for that connectivity type. Don’t forget to check the poll stats at the end of the article. You will know what others prefer.

Play music from the phone to the home theater (3 options for this connectivity)

To play music from phone to theater system. You first have to connect the phone to the system and allow it access to the audio files on your phone. After, that you can listen to music through your home theater speakers.

These are the three connectivity options for you to connect your phone to the AV Receiver and start streaming your favorite music from your phone to the home theater system. 

One connectivity option is wirelessly and the other two are wired. I will tell you which one I prefer and why.

Connect the phone to the AV receiver via Bluetooth to play music

Connect phone to the AV receiver via Bluetooth to play music
  1. Change the input source of the AV receiver to Bluetooth by remote or by the knob at the front of the receiver
  2. A light will start blinking. In my case, the light is blue, and at the front of my receiver
  3. The light blinking indicates that you can start pairing your phone with the receiver
  4. Now, turn on the Bluetooth of your mobile and pair the phone by just tapping on the name of your receiver in the Bluetooth new devices section. The pairing will start automatically.
  5. When pairing is completed, the receiver will play a short confirmation tone or the light will stop blinking and will be stable.
  6. Now head over to the music player and start playing your favorite music. You will hear this music coming out of your home theater speakers.

Pros of this connectivity type

  1. The connection is wireless
  2. You can relax and sit back with your mobile by your side and the music will be playing continuously
  3. It is very convenient as you don’t need to buy a wire or place your mobile away from you on the top of the receiver or cabinet.
  4. Valid for both audio & video music

Cons of this connectivity type

  1. You might experience input lag in the music if your receiver is not among the best ones.

Read my review about the best home theater receiver. I have reviewed the top 7 and many of them have special apps for phones to connect with.

Connect the phone to the AV receiver via (3.5mm to RCA cable) to play music

Connect phone to the AV receiver via (3.5mm to RCA cable) to play music
  1. Get a 3.5mm to RCA cable connector (Amazon Link) and plug its RCA end into the AUX of the receiver
  2. Connect the red to red and white to white
  3. Plug the 3.5mm into the phone
  4. Select the input source to the AUX in the receiver settings
  5. Head over to the music player and start streaming your favorite music to the theater system


  1. The connection is completed almost instantly
  2. This connection is supported by almost all new and old receiver models


  1. The mobile will be away from your sofa and will be on the cabinet during music streaming
  2. Valid for only audio music

Know how to connect RCA home theater to TV. I have provided connectivity options for both video and audio in this guide.

Connect the phone to the AV receiver via a USB cable to play music

Connect phone to the AV receiver via USB cable to play music
  1. First check the USB port on the receiver, if it is for power or input source
  2. Go to the input selector and if you find a USB there then you can use it for phone connectivity otherwise it is just for power to power up streaming devices
  3. Plug the USB cable (Amazon Link) into the receiver and the other end to the phone
  4. Press the button on the remote which is advised by the receiver’s display. For me, it is the mode button
  5. After that, your can stream your audio music to a home theater system


  1. The connection is quick & convenient
  2. It will be charging your phone too


  1. Mobile will be away from you
  2. It might overcharge the phone if you forget it for a long time. It is harmful to the battery capacity. This is proven by TIME’s article
  3. Valid for only audio music

Which is the best connection type?

Connection typeRatings
Connect Phone via Bluetooth to AV Receiver10/10
Connect phone via 3.5mm to RCA cable to AV Receiver4/10
Connect phone via USB cable to AV Receiver2/10
These ratings are based on my experience.

Through which means will you connect your phone to the home theater? (FB Poll)

Poll OptionsStats
via Bluetooth99%
Via 3.5mm to RCA cable1%
USB Cable0%
There were 78 participants in this poll

If you believe your vote can make a world better place for home theater enthusiasts then cast your vote in our in-house Free Home Theater Forum. Through which means will you connect your phone to the home theater?
Poll was created especially for my blog readers. Don’t forget to explain briefly in the answer section why you voted so others can take wise decisions. Be a change for the world.


Bluetooth connectivity is the winner. Because it is convenient and almost all of the good brands have their own app in the Apple store and in the Play store. You can instantly connect your phone via Bluetooth and can stream music. Along with music, you can mirror your favorite videos to the home theater too.


Are These Connection Types compatible with all phone brands or OS?

The Bluetooth connectivity can work with iPhones and android phones. Reputable receiver brands have special apps in the iOS app store and play store. You can use these apps to connect to your phone.

You can connect your android or iPhone to the receiver through these apps and start streaming the music from phone to receiver. 

The two wired connections can also be used for both operating systems.

Can you play music through a home theater system?

You can play music through the home theater system. If you are not an audiophile or music freak then you will enjoy home theater music very well. Otherwise, I will recommend listening to music on the stereo.

How do I stream music throughout my house?

You can stream music throughout the house if your receiver provides a second zone or more zone music streaming feature. 

This second-zone audio feature can be found in many of the modern receivers on the market.

Helpful Resources For The FAQs To Read More

  1. You can read my complete review about playing music through a home theater here. (Resource for the second answer)
  2. Know more about multi-room audio from this WhatHifi Blog. (Resource for the third answer)

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Ayaan Khan
Ayaan Khan

I'm Ayaan khan, a freelancer and a Computer Science degree holder from P.E.S. College. After my degree, I started an internship with my father in his home theater showroom. After working for a month I realized that this is the best job in the world for me and it could be turned into a passion. Fast forward to when my internship ended, I joined my father as a full-time home theater equipment tester. I test new equipment and approve it before it can be installed in the customer's house. I love to test equipment and sometimes love to install it by myself in the customer's theater room. I have the right experience and knowledge to learn from my articles. Every Article on Homelytainment is curated according to Homelytainment's Editorial Policy and Sponsorship Policy.

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